VMWare tools won't install

Hello everybody,

I would have loved to add some screenshots for better understanding but I can’t.

  • OpenMandriva Lx version:


  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…):


  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

I can’t install the VMTools. First I tried the installer but this gives me only an error message telling me VMWare considers the newest version of OpenMandriva to old.

I downloaded the ISO as instructed and tried to install using the provided installer. That failed with an error message telling me that read/write access is needed.

I copied the installer to directory with write access and tried again. Returns in an instant and nothing changed and the log file doesn’t look promising either.

Any ideas what can be done?



  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):

I would I liked to add more informations but can’t upload media as new user. I also trying to get newer VMware tools from Broadcom but that might take some time.

This is obviously to control spam. Apologies for that. When your post reputation comes up, that will change. You can copy and paste into the window from the log and use markdown to format using backticks “`” inline, or triple backticks for blocks “```”


for code
and such...

ISO’s are going to be for creating install medium, so when you copied it out after mounting it, that was correct. Because Broadcom puts support and downloads behind a registration wall, we will be somewhat limited with how much we can assist with this.

It depends on what kind of media.
I’ve just increased your user level so you can post links and images. Try now.

I’m working on that one and come back when I have a newer version.

Thanks. I’ll make use of it when I got a hopefully newer version. Currently I’m at „Account verification is Pending. Please try after some time.“ with broadcom.

To think I have been a paying VMWare customer for 22 years (oldest licence is VMware Workstation for Linux 4.0) and now that.

Migration to a FOSS hypervisor like qemu+kvm is always an option. I think you can also with VirtualBox.


I don’t use Linux as host operating system so I have to see what is possible as Broadcom still hasn’t verified my account. So sad to see how Broadcom is destroying VMWare. But to be honest: I haven’t expected anything else.

So you were able to the modules to compile and get added to the kernel? On Rock 5 I have not been able to do that so far.

Just tried with VMWS7 (free) and it’s a mess. Did not manage to install them too.
Also, maybe because of missing tools it ran noticeably slower and used more resources than equivalent VirtualBox guest that ran just fine also without tool install.

I encountered the same issue when I installed ROME on my server running ESXi 7.0. I ended up using the open source open-vm-tools implementation, but since OMLx doesn’t package it (yet) I downloaded and installed one of the RPMs that Mageia Linux packages (check RPMFind for the package!). Seems to work fine on my server so far!

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Welcome! We are happy to see you here.

You got lucky installing an RPM from another distro. :slightly_smiling_face: There are many differences in how one builds packages for their system. Not all packages and dependencies have the same names. Not all user/groups/IDs are the same. Much can go wrong.


That is true! I tried building open-vm-tools from source on my VM but I kept encountering strange build problems involving CMake, maybe I’ll make a dedicated thread on it sometime. This was simply an “install of last resort” until we get a proper package :wink:

FWIW, I also run OMLx ROME (Ryzen build) on my main laptop (ThinkPad X13 G1 AMD) and have yet to need a package from another distro.

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I also went down the road of installing the open-vm-tools in vmware and while they did “install” nothing seemed to have changed.

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