VBox-5.2.22-2 missing dependency libcurl.so.4

This is a OM Lx 3 system with no testing repos, regular repos only. I’m wonder if the VBox package is looking for a version of curl still in testing repo? Or a package caught in process of being moved.

A requested package cannot be installed:
virtualbox-5.2.22-2-omv2015.0.x86_64 (due to unsatisfied libcurl.so.4(CURL_OPENSSL_4)(64bit))
Continue installation anyway? (Y/n)

# rpm -qa curl

I’ll try to remember to report on this again form my Lx 3 testing repo system.

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Well there is a package in testing repo curl-7.63.0-1.1 that works with this virtualbox package. Looks like it is main/updates on abf-downloads so this should be OK. Must not have make it to my mirror when I checked.

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