Unable to boot into kernel 6.12.9


  • _**OpenMandriva Lx version: 25.01

  • _**Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…): Gnome

  • _**Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant): I did my first distrosync last Friday, and my system attempted to boot into kernel 6.12.9, but it seemed to get hung up on a screen that said “Loading Linux 6.12.9-desktop-1omv2490 …” It would then reboot back to the GRUB menu. If I choose to boot into the 6.12.6 kernel, I get a screen that says “Loading Linux 6.12.6-desktop-1omv2490 …” and then directly beneath it I get the “Loading initial ramdisk …” message prior to the system booting.

  • _**Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…): I looked in my /boot directory and noticed that an “initrd-6.12.9-desktop-1omv2490.img” file was missing, so I used dracut to generate one. I’m still unable to boot into the latest kernel even with the missing initrd image. Is there anything else that I might be missing?

Will it boot into a previous kernel? I would try the distro-sync again using the following command:

sudo dnf distro-sync --refresh --allowerasing

Let us know if that resolves the issue.

I’m able to boot into the 6.12.6 kernel with no problem. I’ll try the command you mentioned and let you know what happens

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Yeah, that didn’t do anything. I just got the normal “Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete!” message.


sudo dnf reinstall kernel-desktop

Okay I tried that, and it booted into kernel 6.12.6. The 6.12.9 kernel is now gone from my /boot directory

Also, if it helps, here’s a screenshot of some of the output from the reinstall. I’m hoping this might provide some helpful info.

Should be good to try this again:

I’m not sure that it worked. I got the “Nothing to do. Complete!” message again

If you got that response, then you are current.

what is the point about? :thinking:

Isn’t the latest kernel 6.12.9 though? I know that I can boot into 6.12.6, but what if this issue continues with future releases? Based on the screenshot I sent over, I’m getting errors installing the latest kernel. I just want to make sure I don’t have something else going on that’ll prevent me from taking advantage of future updates.

Essentially, I know that it’s not a huge deal, and I really appreciate the help so far. I’d just like to make sure that I’ll be good to go going forward.

rpm -qa|grep kernel-desktop

ls /boot |grep 6.12

Please post the console outputs

Screenshot From 2025-01-22 19-24-25

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sudo dracut -f
sudo update-grub2


uname -r


It seems like the 6.12.9 is like, being ignored or something

sudo dnf remove kernel-desktop-6.12.9-1.x86_64

^ (it’s written by hand, you want to copy/paste the line from the grep output you did first, just to be sure)

then after reboot try again

sudo dnf clean all;dnf clean all

sudo dnf --refresh --allowerasing distro-sync 2>&1 | tee rome-sync.log
^ this is to create a log in your home if any need to post it later.

reboot and check the current kernel again
uname -r

It worked! Thanks so much!

