TC-Meeting (Wednesday 2021-09-15 17:00 CEST/15:00 UTC)

All contributors are encouraged to attend TC-Meeting Wednesdayy, September 15, 17:00 CEST/15:00 UTC. Meeting takes place on OpenMandriva Cooker IRC .

Suggested Agenda:

  1. State of development in Cooker (@bero )
  2. Progress towards next OM Lx 4.3 RC release (@bero)
  3. Switching our issue tracker from bugzilla to Github issues.
  4. AOB (Any Other Business)

Contributors are welcome to make suggestions for topics for these meetings on OpenMandriva Cooker IRC.

Logs from previous TC-Meeting 2021-09-09:

Logs of TC-Meeting 2021-09-15: