Steam and wine and winetricks


  • Just downloaded the version 4.3 I would like if Steam and Wine and Winetricks are available to download from Dnfdragora or Discover because I was not able to find them.

Hello, welcome @Batmanxxx

I just published 2 simple how-to in Resouces.
The Resouces category is a good start point for the new to OpenMandriva users.

Feel free to ask for any further question if needed.

Ok thanks so Steam Is Available in resources Is wine and winetricks also available for download ? Where please

Ok I saw how to download wine but what about winetricks?

Ok, added 2 more screenshots for where to launch om-welcome.
It’s our welcome app starting at login, so I supposed you may have seen it already.

I did not mention it because sorry I don’t have a clue on what it is (not using wine).
That’s the reason why I wrote feel free to ask if any further questions.
Maybe someone else more knowledged on the matter can help here.

Winetricks is installed with wine. So if you install wine then winetricks should be also installed.

As you can see, winetricks is inside wine package. And you can run it with calling in konsole “winetricks” or /usr/bin/winetricks

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Ok so you are saying that once I install wine it will be included automatically Thanks for the good advice.

Sorry again so what is the command line to put into the terminal to install winetricks ?

You don’t need to install anything except WINE.
Install wine and then winetricks will also be installed.