[Solved] Problems with text understanding in Writer - NO contrast

solution: see last post


cant read what is under the mouse hover cursor under the icons of writer, no matter the colour scheme or the theme being used. A lot worse with the menu also, when applying different themes. Any ideas? You can see the mouse cursor in the upper right corner, last icon, first row.

try this:
systemsettings->application appearance->colours->options

disable or enable “Apply colours to non kde4 applications”


replace libreoffice-kde with libreoffice-gnome and all is well

talk to the devs

strange working here out of the box.

You can see an icon at the bottom of the post which solved your question. Mark the solution this way.

you are in calc, i was in writer

done, rugy

damn you’re right

could have been a glintch just for writer, havent tested on whole libreoffice, anyway many have encountered it.