Of course doing a system update though discovery is bad but it seems that updating anything through discover is frowned upon by a lot of people in OM.
I have been updating applications downloaded through Discover and it has worked wonderfully so far, and I plan to keep doing it this way, but there is a bunch of other stuff Discover wants to update and I just dont know what to do about them. So I just dont do anything.
Since Discover is a KDE application do I update “Freedesktop Platform” or “KDE Aplication Platform”?. It looks like these are shared libraries updates that KDE wants to have.
It also gives me options for updating Mesa drivers and EUFI dbx. I am in no hurry to update these and assume that I should just wait for OM to give them to me? Right?
Im not one to go install updates on a whim, I dont even update Rome until its been out a few days. I just want to clear up what is and isnt OK.
I use Discover to window shop. Then I install what I need from the command line. All I need is the package name.
I can get my motherboard firmware through it. That beats having to install it from a Windows Installer USB in command line mode(doable, but hard).
Other than firmware, I don’t update anything through it. Use this command each and every time. This is not hard. This is easy and it creates a log file.
If you have flatpaks,
sudo dnf clean all ; dnf clean all ; sudo dnf distro-sync --refresh --allowerasing 2>&1| tee dsync2-log.txt ; flatpak update
if you don’t have flatpaks,
sudo dnf clean all ; dnf clean all ; sudo dnf distro-sync --refresh --allowerasing 2>&1| tee dsync2-log.txt
If you really want to make it simple just put this line in your ~/.bashrc and all you have to do is type dsync.
alias dsync="sudo dnf clean all ; dnf clean all ; sudo dnf distro-sync --refresh --allowerasing 2>&1| tee dsync2-log.txt ; flatpak update"
Why do you need a gui to run one command? It’s a serious question.
I’m an old guy, so I am going to do the grandpa thing here. You did not accidentally run Linux. You did not accidentally run OpenMandriva. You made a concerted effort to do this. Follow through on that effort and learn how to use it. You can do this.
Well there are a couple of reasons so let me explain.
Im lazy, I can do these updates through command line but between looking up the commands, opening Konsole and copy pasting commands, clicking a few buttons in Discover while Im already in it to see what updates are available is a lot easier and faster.
Reason number two is I dont want to update all my flatpaks. For example, The Force Engine flatpak for the game Star Wars: Dark Forces recently updated their flatpak but the only thing they did was add an alpha phase level editor. The game works great, I want no part of this update so they all have to be done one at a time.
Im just having trouble wrapping my head around having this great working GUIs and just not using it.
Well it’s your system and do what you wish despite always and everywhere we tell everyone: do not use Discover.
By the way I’m leaning towards to push for removing Discover from the ISO packages list.
Im lazy, I can do these updates through command line but between looking up the commands, opening Konsole and copy pasting commands, clicking a few buttons in Discover while Im already in it to see what updates are available is a lot easier and faster.
Reason number two is I dont want to update all my flatpaks.
That won’t update anything except the system.
Im just having trouble wrapping my head around having this great working GUIs and just not using it.
Please remember that OpenMandriva -being a unique distribution not based on anything else- is different. This should go without saying.
Like or not we just have to learn its policy and live with that
I use that one click feature for updating the system and even post this link for others that are using discover for updating the system. This isn’t at all what this thread is about. My very first sentence was
Without Discover how would one go about figuring out when various flatpaks need updating without searching every single one every week?
I completely agree with that push. I would go as far as suggesting that it be completely removed from the repos. From what I’ve seen, it just cause headaches.
It should be fixed in cooker (6.3.3-4 and higher) – I’ve ripped out the PackageKit updater and replaced it with a call to dnf running in konsole.
No need to remove what’s fixable…