Snapper tiny tutorial (ROME)

Credits: @darth here

If you want to have an hourly snapshot of your files, and maybe you are not a Timeshift fan, then you can install OpenMandriva with BTRFS filesystem and install Snapper via:

dnf install snapper

Then do there two commands to get Snapper ready for configuration:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/snapper/configs
sudo touch /etc/sysconfig/snapper

Then make a configuration for root and home filesystems:

snapper -c root create-config /
snapper -c home create-config /home

Then it will start doing your hourly snapshots which you can tune by editing the file:




You can do a manual snapshot at any time with:

snapper -c root create --description whateverdescription

(replace root with home if that’s what you want)

And now you can dig-out your hourly backed-up files from /home/.snapshots/ folder.

Video with explanation here: