Slight modification needed to the forum logo

@rugyada @Caig or any other, is it possible to integrate a small modification to the OpenMandriva picture at the top left so that we see the word «forum» in it? Because the logo is included at the bottom of blog posts and it would make more sense if «forum» was written. (am I clear?)

Uhmmm :smile:

This logo:

…is pushed here at the bottom:

So you want the logo become from “OpenMandriva” to “OpenMandriva Forum” ? Yes I can do.

This will change also here in forum top bar?
Q: Is it possible to set the new image to be only displayed at the bottom at blog (and keep the current here?)

Yes, I need to make some change in CSS, everything is possible :slight_smile:

Really? Good news then :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Ok, will do asap. Which size?

The same size is ok…

Or maybe instead (I just think of it) I could use this image:


Can we try?

Yes, I try asap :slight_smile:

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How beautiful is becoming our site :interrobang: :interrobang: :interrobang: :sunglasses: :fireworks: :tada: :boom: :clap: :heart_eyes:


I like your enthousiasm :joy_cat:



@raphael, could you add a smal white area between this logo and the blue block “other services, legal …” ?

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As alternative, if you prefer I can add a transparent frame, all around or just at the bottom. As you will.

I’d like anyway to see in place the discourse icon, to see how it looks :slight_smile:

It is better now, imo.

Replacing the logo is not as simple as I thought, as it’s not managed by css but by a direct html inclusion. I look at the code to see how I can change it.

edit: I think I have found a way;

If you are talking about the logo of the forum (on the top of the page), you can change it here.
Btw, this page looks better. thanks.

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Move this topic to Workshop ?

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