Should I download the ROME/ROCK ISOs from SourceForge or latest build from abf?

Hi to all!

First of all, I want to express my gratitude towards the OpenMandriva team for making such an amazing distro, and towards the community that looks so friendly (I say looks as it’s my first post :wink:). I’ve been distro hoping for a while, and I feel that I’ve found my home with OpenMandriva :smiley:

Regarding my question, I’ve noticed there are 2 links on the download page (talking about downloading the latest ROME/ROCK ISOs, bellow are examples for the ROME downloads):

  • at the bottom of the page, links towards the SourceForge page, that downloads the ROME 24.12 ISO (dating from September 8)
  • when choosing ROME and selecting the version, links towards the abf builds of ROME 24.12, which the latest dates back from January 18

Which is the best (or most “official”) choice for downloading ROME/ROCK? Are there any advantages/differences between those 2 sources? The wiki mentions SourceForge, but some YouTubers and posts mentions the abf. I’m not a newbie in linux, and I’m usually tech savvy enough. I feel kind of embarrassed to ask such a basic question, so I apologize in advanced for that :pray:.

Kind regards to all and have a great Sunday.

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The most official would be directly from abf since the build system. Assuming you want Rome go

And Welcome

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It mostly depends what your looking for. If you want to install and forget about it except for occasional updates and your not bothered about having the most recent version of software go with rock. If you want latest and greatest and are happy to check in on the forum for important information about updates go with rome. Maybey post what harware your using first and if there are any know issuse we can warn you before hand, the community is pretty responsive and really friendly so come back if you have any difficulties. I think i read that for best results use a linux based usb burner some of the windows utilities have caused problems.

Thanks a lot for your answer, I will download it from there then. It makes sense, since the ISO is more recent there will be probably be less updates to do upon install.

Have a good one.

Thanks for your answer, but I already know the differences between ROCK and ROME (one is a stable release, the other is rolling). I was only asking regarding best practice for downloading the ISOs (SourceForge or latest build from abf).

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