Rome cosmic spin install installs the gnome desktop


  • OpenMandriva Lx version: rome

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…): cosmic

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

Hi all, I just tried installing the rome cosmic spin from this live iso

and after booting i got the gnome desktop with some cosmic apps. I don’t think i did anything wrong so it must be a problem with the live iso installer. Before filing a bug report i wanted to check
Is anyone already aware of this problem
Are we officially testing and reporting on the spins (i know they are not a priority)
Do we reprort in the same place as OM official

I will download and try to install the cooker iso and report back.

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afaik is the gdm greeter pushing some unwanted/unexpected deps.
Yes devs are already aware and looking into it.


Cool thanks for the heads up. GDM didn’t give me the option to change the DE so i didn’t even know cosmic was installed but afterwards I did manage to launch it from the console, and was working as expected.

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I believe the XFCE spin did it too. They will get it sorted out.

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