Rolling major upgrade and new ISO's (2020-12-18)

Posted 2020-12-13

Rolling users will likely notice a major upgrade today. There should be over 2200 packages to download. This is result of developers doing a ‘cp cooker rolling’ in preparation of OM Lx 4.2 Beta release.

At the moment it appears that is not working but devs tell me that it actually is just slow because of massive updating to mirrors. Work is ongoing to make our mirroring situation better.

If you use the Index of /openmandriva/ mirror that one appears to be upgraded. I have done this upgrade with both x86_64 and zenver1 Rolling VM’s using the ibiblio mirror. It is necessary to use this command:

$ sudo dnf --allowerasing distro-sync

After which users may want to remove redundant packages with:

$ sudo dnf autoremove

Note: When using ‘dnf autoremove’ user should pay attention to what is being removed. If there is any doubt ask us. One trick to see if it is OK to remove certain packages is to run:

$ rpm -qa | grep >partial_package_name<

and see if there is a newer and older version of same package or packages. Also remember that even if some package gets removed that you need or want it is easy to reinstall that package. There is a dnf.log in /var/log that will tell you all dnf transactions.

Note-2: The “over 2200 packages to download” includes reinstalls. There is a bug in OM’s dnf package stack where it does not count reinstalled packages. The bug report for this was filed in August 2019.

After the major upgrade described above user should end up with:

Thanks to @bero and all of our hard working developers for making this possible.

Post updated 2020-12-18 with new ISO’s

The new ISO’s for Rolling and probably OM Lx 4.2 Beta:

Read the Release Notes and Errata.

OM Lx 4.2 Plasma x86_64

OM Lx 4.2 Plasma znver1

Post-edit: Testing is in progress for these ISO’s. We expect them to work as our ISO’s normally do. They should work in most VirtualBox situations and on most hardware. Problems are more likely on older hardware.

User reports are very much welcomed.

Closing this topic. It is time for testing OM Lx 4.2 Beta candidate. Will post about that in new thread.