Roaming in VirtualBox

First time playing with OpenMandriva. Just installed it on VirtualBox for the moment, it’s nice & clean, no surprise …doing what it’s supposed to do.

I like uncluttered desktops with noting on them, transparency and minimalism. Most of the time I’m in WezTerm/Vim/quteBrowser so it already feels like Home.

See you all in the forums and the chat :wink:


I agree. A nice, clean desktop is wonderful.

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When you have no specific UI on your desktop, other than your customized terminal, it feels the same whatever the OS or Distro.

It depends if you are doing many GUI-based things. But even then, less is more.

Se you around :wink:

Very nice :+1:

100% agree.

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First, welcome!

Very nice! The clean desktop is the way to go.

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