Review of new RPM packages

I would like to package SILE[1] and Electron Cash[2] for OpenMandriva and have started on the leaf packages for SILE. There are probably lots of missing packages, but I need to start somewhere. I’m package maintainer of clitest, lua-cliargs, lua-cassowary in Fedora Linux.





What would be the next step? Are there some kind of review to get these packages into cooker? What are the criteria for adding me as a package maintainer?



Welcome @jonny. I would suggest to join OpenMandriva and OpenMandriva Cooker OM-Chat. The Cooker channel is where OM contributors coordinate our work.

I am not a developer. I think the packages would need to be added here. And then ask in Cooker channel for approval before adding the projects to OM ABF. But those that know (instead of think) are in the Cooker channel.

Yes. I have joined those chats, the developers seem busy.

I have added more packages:








Note: lua-expat is already in GitHub - OpenMandrivaAssociation/lua-expat but there are no builds for it in Cooker.


I would say, just clone the existing spec and work from there.

The build has an error unzipping the tarball. It probably doesn’t exist on the server anymore.

I just want to say thank you for jumping in here and helping out.


Clone the repo to make it easier to make a PR later? Or to make it easier to make the package?

Both. Though, we don’t PR with package repos. They get reviewed and tested then approved.

I this case, Fedora Linux was a much better starting point

If you are comfortable with that, then go for it. Review the other one as a point of reference when it comes to macros we do and don’t use that Fedora does.

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The following new RPM packages have been added to my personal repo:

  • lua-linenoise
  • lua-zlib
  • lua-loadkit
  • lua-repl

I’m a bit stuck on how to make RPM packages for fonts, Gentium Plus is missing (it is not the same as Gentium)

This does not appear to build anything. The code doesn’t appear to be complete or actively maintained. There is a luarocks install for it, so I would recommend using that.

This code appears abandoned and the URL on Github goes to a squatted domain. Has someone else continued maintaining/completing this project?

Same situation as lua-cldr, has a luarocks install, but isn’t actively maintained.

Should be okay, needs confirmation.

There appears to be people actively developing it, but slowly. Features are not complete. Available in luarocks. I would let this project finish their features first.

Not actively maintained and it appears to use Lua 5.1. At some point we will deprecate that library and the package will break. I would not package this unless it gets a new maintainer.

Looks okay to me.

I would just have @bero add some input and sign off. It may not be addressed until after the release of 6.0.

Just to reiterate some points from the previous review. If it’s not actively maintained, we probably shouldn’t package it. If there are other places to get it like luarocks, that’s more preferable for things that are not maintained, and people who develop with languages that need those older libraries will typically know how to acquire them. This isn’t a sleight, we just don’t have people in our project to maintain those projects full time.

That doesn’t mean this isn’t really good practice with packaging.

Thanks for the feedback, the only reason I pack these Lua libraries is because they are dependencies to SILE.

The best would be to off-load the Lua dependencies to luarocks, I think that openSUSE does this. Many of them are not maintained and have crappy Makefiles.

One dependency that is already in the default repo is lua-filesystem, but this one is only packed for Lua version 5.2

It appears that it has been a while since this was built:

There is also an updated repo and url if that is something you would like to tackle:

It seems like the version says 1.8.0, while the source is 1.6.2. Anyway I will give it a try to update it.

$ cat .abf.yml
  v1_6_2.tar.gz: 85905325e5466e5bd2ee9b904d8fabdaccdc243a
%define luaver 5.2
%define lualibdir %{_libdir}/lua/%{luaver}
%define luapkgdir %{_datadir}/lua/%{luaver}
%define oname luafilesystem
%define tarname 1_6_2

Name:           lua-filesystem
Version:        1.8.0
Release:        2
Summary:        FileSystem Tool for the Lua language

Group:          Development/Other
License:        MIT
BuildRequires:  lua-devel >= %{luaver}
Requires:       lua >= %{luaver}