Question about including Grub-BTRFS

I recently had the pleasure of writing a tutorial on installing a Timeshift tutorial that included the necessity of installing a package called grub-btrfs. This package needed to be downloaded from github, modified to work with grub2 (by uncommenting some lines) and editing the systemd file to look for timeshift actions to fold it into the grub boot-menu. I was wondering what the likelihood of having this modified version for OMLx put into the repo for users to download. I suppose, in this case, I’m also wondering about a timeshift specific version, since grub-btrfs is also able to work with snapper (but for the life of me I cannot get it to work in bootable snapshots–but that’s another topic). In other words, whether we could have not only a modified version of grub-btrfs designed to work with OMLx, but a timeshift specific package to make it easy for users. As in, a grub-btrfs-timeshift package? I can provide the initial, modified version for the repo.
Of course, there is the other topic of the dnf plugin that’s needed to run the timeshift snapshots when dnf makes a transaction. But it is DNF5 specific. I have this up and working %100 of the time on my system, but I know we’re not moving to DNF5 right this moment. When OMLx does move to DNF5, I can provide the plugin, modified for OMLx, to include in the repo. Is it possible to put these things in the repo?

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No real rush, of course. It’s all a little dependent on DNF5, I’m just wondering if I supplied the modified packages, could we have them in the repo for easy deployment of the system-snapshot-rollback feature.

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I was an Arch user for years and liked Timeshift. When Tumbleweed came out, I moved back to openSUSE and once I used Snapper, it became the biggest reason not to go back to Arch. It is not perfect, but it’s really good. Given a choice, I would pick Snapper every time. The automatic pre-post-update snapshots have saved my butt on more than one occasion. Grub-btrfs just ties it all together.


That is one reason I love NixOs (just not their team) was the ability to not have to use a backup program like these. I simply copied my config file and loaded it on a cloud service and could have my desktop the exact same way across different systems

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Right. I used snapper in the past as well. I’ll keep working on it.
However, If you set up timeshift, as in the tutorial, it does the same thing as snapper on other systems. One way or the other, grub-btrfs has to be customized for OMLx b/c we are cool enough to use grub2. Thus the reason for the request and question.


Except no post snapshot.

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@darth expressed interest in packaging this. Sounds like you two should talk.


That’s an interesting idea! Thank you. It would be awesome to have a full-blooded deployment to match whatever a user prefers.