Possible replacement for Drakconf available for testing

bero, Bernhard Rosenkranzer, has made available a new package for testing. It is currently called ‘Om-Control-Center’ and is a work in progress. It may be a replacement for OpenMandriva Control Center aka Drakconf or MCC. Some of the modules currently are drakx based and likely will be replaced.

Eventually Drakconf and and Drakxtools will be replaced. I think this is due to the computer language they are written in (Perl?) and that we don’t have a developer that can maintain them. Perhaps one of our developers can enlighten us more on this subject.

Anyway test it and provide your input here.

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Anyway test it and provide you input here.[/quote]

Yes it’s still a WIP and currently its look is very ugly as it’s based on a pretty old project.

If you want to get it nicer while testing, please update the files you can find in the archive
Dropbox - om-cc_20170201.tar.gz - Simplify your life

Same for oma-welcome
Dropbox - om-welcome_20170204.tar.gz - Simplify your life
(just minor fixes. PS> do not care of readme file inside, it was just for our developers’ information)

Path is:

Please note I did not touch the apps scripts, just the look :wink:

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Thanks, these files do improve the look of om-control-center.

Seems om-welcome is busted, broken, not working. Does anyone know if a bug report has been filed on this? Also reported here.

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Bero already knows.

For the time being, console command to run oma welcome:

cd /usr/share/oma-welcome ; htmlscript -s 870x520 -c -i /usr/share/icons/openmandriva.svg index.sh.htm

The work in progress in fact involves both om-cc and om-welcome, which are going to share the same script (or such - Bero could explain you surely better).

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Always on the subject of oma-welcome, I tried to fix the outdated bits in descriptions. I have added also a new tab for new om-cc.

For testing, please replace files


and add /usr/share/oma-welcome/images/om-ccnew.png


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Wonder if this should not get bumped up for work and testing for Lx 4 release?

I believe @bero and @rugyada are the project authors? Please correct me if I’m incorrect.

Author is Bero, I contributed for 1% part. I think my help is not needed anymore now.