PC remote control

I would like controlling my PC by remote, for ex.,when watching desktop from TV monitor in a another room. One possibility by smartphone, using one of available apps. That requires, I guess, an analogous app/software on PC.

Anyone could help me, please ?

This is something I do not know anything much about, never have tried to do this. Do an internet search of:

Linux PC remote control

One article here. Article about controlling a PC from Android here. There is more if you search.

Also dnf search of vnc and/or rdp.

I know Remmina and TigerVNC are available in OM Lx 4.2, Rolling, and Cooker. I do not know if or how well they work. I think @mandian might know more about this. There may be other such software in OM Lx.

Thanks, I’ll try them.

Hi, you can try with kdeconnect.


There are several protocols to connect to your PC by remote The most used are VNC and RDP: the first is open source but less secure, the latter is more secure but proprietary (so i discourage you to use it).

The choice mostly depend on your needs and the kind of the net you are: if you need to reach your PC from insecure network you also need to provide a more secure tunnel such as SSH, OpenVPN or WireGuard.

A good simple choice may be VNC(server)+OpenVPN(server) on PC and VNC(client)+OpenVPN(client) on the smartphone or remote PC. If you use this in a secure local network you may try VNC only (but if someone can access to your home wi-fi network he may cause a real security issues).

If you only need to connect to your PC from your smartphone and vice versa you may try KDEConnect as suggested by @astragalo.

I use Anydesk. Isn’t free software, but I can connect to pc not only with Linux, but also Windows or Mac. I can also use the CNC at work, from my home or my Android cell (sorry for bad english).