Package request - webapps from linux mint

coming from linux mint, their webapps program is very useful. -especially if you have include navigation
it creates a unique profile ( using browser ) for each program.
example uses i use it for:

  • discord ( instead of flatpak or system pkg )
  • guilded
  • forums
  • rumble


  • it uses the web browser based version of the program
  • no massive flatpak/ snap/ appimage download
  • no pkg breakage ( unless you break the browser )


  • may not be as sandboxed as you would like
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@cretsiah Hi,

Please file a new package request at github. > Package request
(Also do a search to see if similar request is submitted already)

It’s good that you made a list of pros/cons :+1:
More informations are needed, such as the source download link and the likes.
If you don’t have a github account we’ll make the request for you ^^

We would prefer not to package anything that is closed source. If there are browser equivalents or flatpaks, that would be ideal.

We also package firejail.

Firefox will let you run pages as webapps. I haven’t done much with it, but that might be able to fulfill your needs.

Chromium based browsers do this, as well.

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What the op is asking about is a web app manager of sorts. It allows you to use any installed browser for the apps. It also manages the apps themselves including the icon that is displayed in your menu.

Its more than just running a webapp in chromium or firefox browsers.

If I remember right Mints webapp manager is forked from the old peppermint os.

I’ve used it before and it is indeed very useful for those who use a lot of webapps.


i dont think its closed source

UnckeBonehead probably describes it better

adding firejail to it

  • would mostly likely make it as good as a flatpak etc for security purposes
  • but im not sure it would really be needed

should have added under use cases:

  • seperate email account windows

but i dont know how to edit original post

It is indeed open source. GPL3

i think i have a github account… i jus cant remeber which email address i used it was so long ago…
might take me a little time to get it back up

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A tool like this may be good for those apps that we don’t have packages for that do have web offerings.

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it also comes in handy as a replacement when you hear of breakages in flatpak or email programs such as thunderbird

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