OMLx Crashing after startup

Possibly with wayland. I haven’t used it so I can’t speak to it. That would be a question for @AngryPenguin.

For info just installed rome gnome and no problem with suspend/resume when closing the lid this appears to be a pproblem with plasma.

Hi Rich.

This issue I am having is not laptop related, it is a full pc. It is between the proprietary Nvidia driver and powershell that the crash happens, since loading the open driver this has stopped happening.

The final test I will do today after work will be to make sure that I am runnimg X11 from the getgo, and then do the proprietary Nvidia driver install as normal there after to see if there are still issues, if there is, I can then use the open driver to see if this behavior stops, if I do not encounter the issue, it will indicate a driver issue with Wayland, if I do encounter the same issue on X11 as under Wayland, then this will theoretically prove to be an Nvidia propriotary diver issue, I am assuming that wayland is running as default, (I did not take notice of this before) if not I can force this at startup to make sure I can replicate the fault, and then also replicate the solution.

I can then do the same with wayland forcing wayland at starup and proceed with the same… I can then document my findings on both X11 and wayland which should help narrow down the issues I am having “ultimatly” pointing to the cause…

Regards C

Hi Zero,

I have a question, we were talking about switching between wayland and X11, but, If you read my previous post you will see that I wanted to check where the actual problem is. Driver, wayland or driver X11… I just relloaded now and specifically looked at the X11 dropdown, I only have X11 and Safe X Session as options…

Am I perhaps missing something?

I just checked my laptop and that to only has X11 and Safe X Session as options…

Could you perhaps shed some light on what I may be doing wrong that niether of my machines have a wayland option?

Regards C

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When you download the ISO, you select which you want. You have Nvidia and X11 was the right choice.

Hi Wilson,

You mean I inadvertently did something right? Ok, I “followed” Brian Lunduks video from the Lunduk journal on YT.

I can not remember though where I made that choice, but thank you for clearing that up for me.

Regards C


After installing X11 and wayland (task-plasma6-wayland) you should see on the bottom left corner on the login screen the option for wayland or X11.

I just want to add that the devs have said multiple times that they prefer X11 over Wayland right now, and their focus is on perfecting OMLx with X11. Wayland will have more issues, at least until the devs, or perhaps new devs that prefer Wayland, have time and motivation to tinker with it.

TLDR; stick with X11 for now.


Hi Lee,

Understood, Wilson also said that X11 is the better choice, it was just after hearing that I could have been on wayland and then not finding it anywhere, that spurred my question and hence why I querried why it would not have been present.

Thank you for the input. (and confirmation)

Regards C