OMLx 4.0 wallpapers-extra - Discussion

A rapid expansion of a gas produces coolness …

or 1 drop of liquid nitrogen =10 lbs. psi per 355 ml can of minute maid lemonade chilled @ 36 degrees f LOL

Insert obvious obligatory fart joke here…

Thermal effects of rapidly expanding gas
When gas expands, the decrease in pressure causes the molecules to slow down. This makes the gas cold.

The Ideal Gas Law states pV = nRT, where P = The pressure of the gas in Pa, V = Volume of gas in m3, n = Number of moles of gas, R = A constant of about 8.314 and T = Temperature in K.

As a gas (like air) expands, the value of V increases and this has the effect of increasing T (The temperature). As the energy needed to increase it’s temperature must be supplied from somewhere, the gas takes the energy from the surrounding system giving the effect of cooling. This is a principle used in refrigeration.

All very interesting. But a bit OffTopic.

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Nitrogen is used in soft drink production to give the container firmness when CO2 is not used in the microblend.
with out this firmness you can not label the container nor stack the containers for shipment.
the nitrogen is injected into the beverage after the container is filled but before it is sealed , the Nitrogen
expands rapidly at ROOM temperature . This was the point of the statement , and another example of
how nitrogen is used , in reference to " what do you think of when one thinks of Nitrogen" .

I like the ice/Nitrogen idea.

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Ok, I add Ice to the list of quick inputs.

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Since We’re on the topic of ice, here’s a photo of Pluto with Nitrogen Ice valley. Link with description below:

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I wonder if it could be appropriate:

  1. to write a blog post to invite people to give useful suggestions on the theme;
  2. set a deadline;
  3. then, to write a blog post to announce the contest.



That’s fine with me, for the blog post, if there is first another post of news related to the distro.

Yes :stuck_out_tongue:
Yes, my doubts were about the next steps, how to manage it (1, 2, 3, x, ?, etc.)

Maybe 1 could be done in forum, then official contest is launched in blog post?

For 2 I think 1month deadline is ok, right?

Well it’s what we did here then. Or you prefer a new topic in announcements?

Right, imo step 1 almost done, why not gather suggestions and make a poll here?

Well, at a second thought may be better to make a new post in Announcements.
Actually this is pretty old and frankly got a bit messed (for whatsoever reason). New topic will be clean and accept only quick inputs.

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