OM Welcome Testing

Cooker and Rome

On the Features tab under abf, the url is given but clicking on it does nothing.

Could you provide a link to what you are describing, please?

The abf url on this screen appears to be a link. The cursor even even changes when hovering over it. However, when clicking on it you are not taken to the website.

I can confirm. The link should also start with https:

Testing on Cooker.

Double clicking on Add & Configure user and groups installs KUser as expected after asking for authorization . However, after KUser is installed clicking on Add & Configure user just says the application needs to be run with root privaileges instead of asking for authorization as one would expect.

It’s preferred to do that in System Settings now. I would recommend the link just goes to that. However, I can confirm the shortcut created is broken. If I run the specified command

pkexec kuser

the program runs as expected.

Further Cooker testing

Configure>Desktop>MausiShell desktop

  • MauiShell desktop installation fails.


  • Installs without issu
  • After installation clicking on Calibre agains says that it is already installed while the other applications are started after installation.

Applications > Office > Calligra

  • Installation fails
  • I am able to install it using dnf

Applications> Office > Zim

  • Installs
  • Similar to Clibre, clicking on Zim after the instllation just says it is already installed.

That’s it for tonight.