OM Lx review done by Uncle Bonehead

Hi all,
recently youtube recommended to a review of OpenMandriva, not impress in their algorithm lol,
I watch the full video and the guy did a really good end-user review and I loved it, especially to the mention that no distro should be compared to others.
Anyway I enjoyed it and wanted to share it with the rest of you.



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Dang it, I was doing my best not to promote it here. Lol.

Im glad you liked it though, @daemonx Thank you for the kind words.


Lol. Thanks for the heads up.

Cool desktop ricing. :sunglasses: Maybe do a video on KDE desktop customizations next?

I had no idea about dnfdrake and flatdrake (maybe because I didn’t fully RTFM the OM Welcome). I haven’t heard anyone use the term “badass” in forever. That touched my soul.

I’m just getting acquainted with QMPlay2 (I have a huge mp3 collection from “back in the days”). The Internet Radios module is more than good enough to replace my Volumio (running on a Raspberry Pi). I love the equalizer and spectrum analyzer because they give me Fisher component stereo system vibes.

QownNotes looks interesting, but I wish they had a Docker self-hosted version in addition to the Nextcloud integration (not a fan of Nextcloud…been down that rabbit hole).

I agree with your points on big corp backed distros. I’d like to add I find it revealing that the screaming harpies pushing for DEI are bought and paid-for by these big money software companies, although they gaslight us into believing they’re a grass roots movement. To the contrary. If anything, OpenMandriva is the only true grass roots movement in the world of Linux software, which is why I immediately gravitated towards it (thanks Lunduke).

What did you close your video with? “Never stick your [what] where you wouldn’t stick your face?” A lot of things come to mind. :laughing:


Lol. The rice is nothing more than the WhiteSur-dark theme and the icons are Mkos-Big-Sur. Both installed through plasma.
I could do a customization video but there are so many more videos out there that do it better than I can.
I’ve really fell in love with QMPlay2 and QOwnNotes, too. I keep them open every day all day. I’m hoping that if the Linux kernel gets any more stupid woke that OMLx devs gets that verison based on OpenBSD working. Lol.

I usually close my videos with “Don’t stick your finger where you wouldn’t stick your face.” Thats one of two life lessons my dad passed on to me at an early age. And you would be surprised by how many situations it applies to. Lol.

The other life lesson was “Don’t be a dick.” It works all the time too. :laughing:


Same here. I did not know it before but the first time I installed while testing stuff I told Bero: I want this app in default iso packages list.

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So you’re too blame for it. :rofl:

But seriously, that has to be the best looking and functioning media player I’ve seen in a looooooooong time. Im talkin back in the when Winamp was cool days.

VLC is the good old standby but it’s gotten so tired and worn out. I switched to mpv and thought I would never leave. But dude QMPlay2 is just fricking cool.


Yes :grin:
and more @AngryPenguin who packaged it and made me aware.

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OK, maybe I need to try this out.

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O.K. it looks good for my ripped .mkv files. I like it.

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ok you guys @UnkleBonehead and @rugyada got me hooked on QMPlay2, been a good tool today while working!


It is a pretty cool player.


@UnkleBonehead I enjoyed the review. Nice pick on the plasma theme as well :+1:


Thank you!

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