Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):
Kvantum Themes with Kvantum manager from repos wont apply Transparency Blur. Could someone please tell me what packages relevant I need for OM Rome. Or is it something else. To get it working.
I am using Nvidia v565.77 .run driver. And I know how to apply kvantum themes, but I cant get’em working.
Edit: Btw, I tried compiled Kvantum manager from github, and it is the same.
I tried on Mageia and Rosa Fresh desktop and Kvantum themes work.
And any other logs, screen-shots, or whatever that may be relavant. Does this work under X11? OM’s Wayland implementation seems to have some bugs in Plasma6.
Yes its working on X11, but it is replaced with wayland which is much much better for me even I use Nvidia. And Drivers on Rome Repos do not work properly when I install them.