New VBox packages user needs to change Mandriva_64 to OpenMandriva_64

All tips and tricks come with no warranty expressed or implied. :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:

@TPG has built newer VirtualBox packages which are currently in main-testing repo. One change long time users will notice is that when you open VBox and select to set up a New VM it immediately opens a dialog window with ‘Linux’ and ‘OpenMandriva (64-bit)’ preselected. As you go through the process you will notice that it is preset to make the VM storage space at 20 GB. (You can change it if needed but it’s best to have at least 10 GB).

One other thing you will notice is any existing VM’s you had will be disabled because they are set up as ‘Mandriva (64-bit)’ rather than ‘OpenMandriva (64-bit)’. To correct this you need to edit 2 files. The files are usually located in /home/ in a folder called ‘Virtualbox VM’s’ .They are <what_you_named_VM>.vbox and <what_you_named_VM>.vbox-prev. In both on or about line 9 look for where it says “Mandriva_64” and change it to “OpenMandriva_64”. Now your old VM should work.

This line in both to edit is:

<Machine uuid="{799b776d-5c6d-6g8n-h3l8-04249f4a9e69}" name="OMLx-Plasma5-build-1915" OSType="Mandriva_64" snapshotFolder="Snapshots"

simply change it to:

<Machine uuid="{677b776d-5c6d-6g8n-h3l8-04249f4a9e61}" name="OMLx-Plasma5-build-1915" OSType="OpenMandriva_64" snapshotFolder="Snapshots"