New to OpenMandriva but not Linux

Hello all,
I have been using Linux for the past 20 years. I have never used OpenMandriva. I used Mageia Linux on and off again. I mainly have distro hopped for the whole time. Now since everything in the USA where I love is politicized, and all I want to do it use Linux, play games and such. I don’t have time to debate about ideologies and things that happened before I was born and had no part of. Like I said I just want to use Linux and love my life.

I am glad for the video and how this distro handles things like that. I, like many others, have installed or at least tried out OpenMandriva. I am happy about my choice. When I first logged in I installed the Nvidia drivers and it was lagging really bad then I actually read (who would of thought to do that) that Wayland is not a great choice with Nvidia on this distro so a simple reinstall to x11 and this distro is awesome! It has everything I want and need.

I said all that to say this. Thank you to the wonderful team at OpenMandriva. I have only thought about donating money to a project when Pardus was around but now when I get paid I am donating to this project as I feel like I’m not discriminated against for being me.



I guess I should have put I’m from Chillicothe, Ohio. Lol



Ohio… go jackets go! from your neighbor in Indiana.

I started with debian back in 99 or so. did use mandrake at one point in the 2000s eventually ended up on arch, until that Lunduke guy pointed out this place and well here i am now with rome/kde on my system.


That Lunduke guy has some swagger.


Greetings from the Mitten

I tended to use independent distros. Made life hard for gaming until a couple years ago. Now I’m not forced to use a distro that views me as evil




When I was a teenager, we used to drive from Jackson to Chillicothe to get Taco Bell since it was the closest one. What can I say, there wasn’t much to do in small town Ohio.

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I love living in small town Ohio. It’s mostly quiet and people are generally nice and decent to each other.

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