New OpenMandriva install for Debian/Arch user (2+ years). More or less all ok but some issues

I came here by Lunduke BTW.
I just installed OpenMandriva in order to… well, get away of so much stuff going on that should not belong to computing. I have been testing the Rome rolling release so far and I kind of like the OS, except for the following issues (thank you in advance for looking at them)

  • OpenMandriva Lx version:
    OpenMandriva Lx 25.01 (ROME) Rolling with kernel 6.12.9 desktop.

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…):
    KDE Wayland (Plasma 6)

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):
    Cannot install deadbeef due the following message:

[ada@R33200g ~]$ sudo dnf --refresh install deadbeef
[sudo] password for ada: 
Failed to set locale, defaulting to C.UTF-8
brave                                                                         5.7 kB/s | 2.0 kB     00:00    
OpenMandriva Rolling - znver1                                                 2.4 kB/s | 2.4 kB     00:01    
OpenMandriva Rolling - Extra - znver1                                         2.2 kB/s | 2.4 kB     00:01    
OpenMandriva Rolling - Restricted - znver1                                    1.9 kB/s | 2.4 kB     00:01    
OpenMandriva Rolling - Non-free - znver1                                      2.3 kB/s | 2.4 kB     00:01    
 Problem: conflicting requests
  - nothing provides needed by deadbeef-1.8.8-1.znver1 from rolling-znver1-extra
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)

2.- os-prober takes a while to find my arch install in my other HDD, but despite
sudo update-grub2 saying that it will add it, after a reboot it cannot be found in the grub menu

3.- there is no insync client available (and I really need it to sync stuff in cloud), this works alright in both Debian and Arch, tried to install the rpm but it complains about unmeet dependencies.

[ada@R33200g Essentials]$ sudo dnf localinstall insync-dolphin-
Failed to set locale, defaulting to C.UTF-8
Last metadata expiration check: 0:09:02 ago on Sat Feb  8 16:26:35 2025.
 Problem: conflicting requests
  - nothing provides insync needed by insync-dolphin- from @commandline
  - nothing provides insync-emblem-icons needed by insync-dolphin- from @commandline
(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages)

4.- If using rufus, needs to be really told to the user that dd is to be used (NOT ISO MODE), otherwise fails to install.

5.- I would like to use the vanilla KDE? (the one with the big start menu) but I cannot find an easy way to do it.

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):
    For this case hardware is really not important, but if you would like to know, this is a mix and max of many PC parts that I have laying around in order to test linux distros.
    Ryzen R3 3200g, Radeon 6600XT, 16gb RAM.
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Right click on the start menu icon and click “show alternatives” then choose “application launcher”

I’m going to check out the other stuff here shortly, and I’m sure others will chime in.


Welcome! We’re glad to have you here.

It looks like it did not set the locale. Many things will fail to work properly until we get that fixed.

You may be able to get the locale issue fixed here. If not, we will have to dig a bit deeper.

Welcome to OMLx, @NWZ! I also came here due to being forced out of a longtime distro I used. We’re glad you’re here.

Good news: the gurus are already chiming in on your support request. I am sure they’ll get you fixed up soon.



OpenMandriva ROME Notes | OpenMandriva wiki

Please one issue/question, one topic

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1 - I don’t see deadbeef in the repos

2 - sudo grub2-install

3 - can’t help here, sorry

4 - did rufus say it wrote the iso properly? What errors did you get when trying to install?

5 - right click start button → show alternatives → application launcher

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It’s in the repo /extra, but not touched since ages.
There must be a reason probably. Idk.

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Awesome… never occurred to me that… it was just that simple. thanks!


This was really a suggestion, I have always used rufus… which I know, is windows only, but all of my isos have worked it it. Also, it also fails using ventoy (says it cannot find something related to squash… something then the installer fails)

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Deadbeef is really needed for this (or any) linux distribution. It is an audio player which is oriented for audiophiles, and also allows for convertion of really rare high quality formats into others (e.g., DSD to FLAC).

I myself listen to music whenever I’m sitting in front of the PC… and this program happens to be de equivalent of foobar in windows, and that is saying a lot.

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The commant grub2-install worked alright, but once again, executing sudo update-grub2 does detect arch, says that is going to add it then… nothing appears after reboot. I have my Arch install in a separate ssd and it detects OpenMandriva alright.

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sudo grub2-mkconfig
sudo update-grub2
sudo grub2-install
After purposely breaking my grub config, these commands fixed it.

For deadbeef, lib64flac is the 64bit library package that it is asking for which should already be installed. I think we can ask someone to do a rebuild with that marked as the dependency.

I still don’t know what insync is so I can’t help there.

I don’t use rufus, but for ventoy you can read here for how to get around that issue: How to use Ventoy to install OMLx

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Hi there,

Insync is basically a sync client for google drive/one drive et all, I do not know if I can post links ( It has linux support and it works nicely in Debian/Arch.

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As rugyada said: Where?

About ventoy there is also the big sticky thread at the top of the Forum with the link to
How to use Ventoy to install OpenMandriva

Where else should we put this info?


I think OP was suggesting rufus themself, as their preference.

The ventoy thing should probably be on the main main website’s download page, the wiki installation page, and the sourceforge page.

I hope I’m not suggesting to much… but having said sticky tread next to the download button would help. The idea is to make for new users to install it and to suggest the reading of the forums.


No, you are not asking too much, but it does help to put issues in separate topics. It keeps them from falling through the cracks. So, if you see one being ignored, start a new thread for it, please. :smiley:

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For me to use full time OpenMandriva is just the Insync and the Deadbeef topics, so far not other issues, but I’ll report something else that I might see. I even played games on steam now and the performance is rather good, not felling much difference from my arch installs.

P.D. I really really like this forums, first time I feel welcomed :).

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Bug reports and package requests are a big deal and they are worked on in the order they are received (for the most part.) We encourage folks to do them.

Bug Reports

Package Requests

The first one can feel a bit overwhelming, but once you have done one, the next one is much easier. :grin:

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