New OM'er Here to Say Hi

If that’s a term :slight_smile: Just wanted to say high everyone. I’ve been an amateur Linux user since about '96. I’ve used probably just about every disto there is from Slackware, Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, etc., and yes, Mandrake back in the day. I decided to give OM a try, and you can probably guess some recent reasons as to why, and I have to say I’m pretty impressed. I’m now running it on my main desktop and one of my laptops.

I won’t drag this out, just wanted to say “hi!” and I look forward to the discussions.


Welcome! I am also a newcomer here, but thoroughly enjoying it so far. The repos have everything I need, distro is solid for me, forums and matrix chats are active and helpful.


New here as well, and this feels like a new home to me.


I’ve found almost everything in the repos that I need. I did need to get FD and Ripgrep to support my Doom Emacs install, but Nix Package Manager made quick work of that. Oh, and Micro (text editor) which you can do as a flatpak, but I preferred to get that from Nix PM as well. Overall though, this distro is quite solid.

Rip, you will see micro really soon. I use it too.

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