New icons for categories

Hello, I try some icons: WDYT?

Frankly I don’t have any strong opinion.
Not against, anyway…

Are you talking about the avatars? So, why not ?

Talking about this (just in case)

Ah, yes. So why not again ;

Sorry to popup this way and only so long after…
Wdyt to revert this to previous standard look?
I realized only after a while that I don’t like at all and… only now have I found the courage to tell you :blush:


I understand, I’ll remove them, then.

You don’t like these particular icons, or the principle of having icons?

Having icons.
It makes it looking messy and cluttered in my opinion, even more compared to the other plain tidy looking categories :slight_smile:

IMHO :wink:

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Thanks for detailed explanation!

I’m ok for removing them, just making a quick poll to be sure no one is against:

  • Yes, remove them
  • No, keep them
  • No opinion

0 voters

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Indeed it was a “WDYT”, not a demand :slight_smile:

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And what do you think of this look:

(or the same without icons)

Prefer the current way. Is horizontal the way to describe?
Edit: Without icons.

I wrongly clicked on “keep them” instead of “no opinion”.
Anyway, “no opinion” would have expresses: “my opinion doesn’t matter in this area”.

Removed them…

I just see that after removal, the short introduction text is removed also…

See with and without («with» is a test instance, cloned from current instance)

It is bizarre (and also stupid then :slight_smile: ) setting.
I have surfed admin panel but still did not find the place, can you give me the link please?

If there is no other way, I want to study a workaround.
What icons-sets we have available?

Easy workaround: put everywhere a transparent png vertical ribbon :slight_smile:

It’s not in admin, but when you are in a category home like this, you can click «edit» then «images» tab, then «category logo image»

. x . x . x .

We can try with this 1x1 transparent “icon” (if it’s mandatory to set an image there)
And maybe also change css rule ?
max-height: 1px
margin-bottom: 1px
margin-right: 1px



Well, it’s in between the 2 === rows, seems not showing… :stuck_out_tongue:
link: /uploads/default/original/1X/37a256cbce5c45836c1147240f980a9546466a8f.png

I have serious connection problems these days, up-down-up-down-up-down-up-down :confused: :rage:
I’m not able to do anything… or almost anything.

Sorry for you :frowning: what kind of connection do you have?