Need Guidance as In what category should I post?

Hello, all!

This is my first post after just joining this discussion, so please forgive me and provide kind assistance if I have posted to the wrong subsection!

I am new here but a real enthusiast and loving this community so far. I have a background in teaching coding and in education and feel I could help with documentation, at least for starters.

As a new member in this forum and wish to share and gain some knowledge. I am looking forward to create my own discussion to resolve my query and gain some knowledge though I have taken part in various discussion which is definitely helped me a lot.

Also in what category should be taken depends on what factors? :thinking:

Thank you in advance.

Welcome @Suzen to OpenMandriva and our forum. This forum is for users of OpenMandriva Linux operating systems.

OpenMandriva Forums are primarily users helping other users.

You are welcome to talk to our developers at OpenMandriva Chat.

Users with a problem need to read How to get better results when posting about problems before reporting any issue or problem. The article is not too long and Do Read.

When a new user has an issue please look in the documentation for OMLx. OpenMandriva wiki, Forum Resources guide and the “Search” function of the forum.

If you don’t find what you are looking for, try an Internet search. One can find out a lot from documentation or forum posts at other Linux distros. If user finds something written for another distro but you have some doubt ask at OpenMandriva Chat.

For serious technical issues and package/feature requests please file a bug report here.

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Any help with testing would be appreciated whether one is technically proficient or a very non-technical user. The more people and more hardware we can get involved the better we can make OMLx releases and packaging. We do a lot of testing in VM’s as well. Developers tend to use Qemu, most user level testers use VirtualBox.

Hello @Suzen, welcome

The category names are pretty much self-explaining.
For support the Support category, where you probably want to post,
Resources (read-only topics) is a must-read documentation,
In Development Testing we discuss new ISO/s features and early discovered bugs, mostly regarding Cooker (or new apps or such)

Don’t worry, if you by chance post in someway wrong place we’ll move discussion to the proper category and let you know.
Be sure to give a descriptive title and provide info about your system (ROME, 5.x Rock, or Cooker etc.)

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