Knowing that you used 3 for 8 foot helps. I have two 5ft workbenches with a compter on each workbench. So, 4 might be the magic number for my mess of cbles.
Our ttrpg group bought one of our members (he studies Iaido) a really expensive katana this past week. I wish I could go to the class but they are on Wednesdays and I have church
I did a risky thing. One of the things I like is this line in my .bashrc
# Run these things at the start of bash sessions
# This cleans all the duplicates from .bash_history, leaving the newest lines
# This has to be performed at the start of bash, because the history is not
# written until bash is closed.
# sponge requires installation of the package moreutils
tac ~/.bash_history | awk '!x[$0]++' | tac | sponge ~/.bash_history
So, I grabbed the rpm from the repo for Fedora and dropped it into my downloads folder. I installed it from there with dnf and now, sponge works. I figured the worst that could happen was to have to remove it, but it seems to be working fine. Not recommending this to anyone.
By the way, tac is the cat command but it runs backward, so that when it rewrites the .bash_history, it put the newest lines at the bottom. I would love to give credit to the person that wrote this, but I have had it a long time and don’t remember where I got it. It could have been D.T., but I just don’t remember.