My Introduction


My name is Nik and I have been an avid user and tinkerer with electronics since I was a child. My first experience with a computer was my friend’s Atari 800 and he taught me how to make trivia games on it in QBASIC. Games (including computer and console) are also something I have enjoyed all my life.

After building my own PC’s in the late 90’s, I discovered Linux at a LAN party where one of the attendants was playing Quake II on it. As soon as I could get my hands on a Linux distribution in 2001 I did. I opted to purchase Mandrake 6 from a local computer store. Later, I bought Mandrake 7 from the same store which is no longer in business. As time went on I would purchase SuSE Linux Desktop 10 as well as downloading Red Hat 6, Fedora Core, Ubuntu, Debian, Sorcery, SourceMage, Artix, Manjaro, and many others. There was a fairly active LUG in my area, and I presented there a couple of times. I was also the Distro Master and made arrangements to get install discs from the distro projects directly.

At this point in my life, I am trying to give my knowledge and effort back to support a project worthy of growth and legacy. OMA is that project. It’s fitting that after so long I have come full circle to the distro that started it all for me, and that the project is focused on the principles that made me passionate about Linux in the first place.

To the Association, I say thank you for taking a chance and putting up with my annoyances. I’m here to help make the project and the community the best it can be.