My first testing checklist submission 24.90

This is from Cooker and I know the process of moving cooker to Rome started today. I just wanted to give this a practice run since it’s the first time I’ve done this for any distro. I’ve tested plenty of apps in the past but never a full on full distro.
I was in the process of learning to do it for Ubuntu about 6 months ago but life got in the way of that and I found you wonderful people over here and it feels so much more like home than Ubuntu did.

unklebonehead_checklist-extended.txt (5.2 KB)

inxi.txt (2.7 KB)

coredumpctl.txt (388 Bytes)

journalctl.txt (326.5 KB)

A couple of highlights to point out that I dont know if they are concerning or not.

  • Installing DnfDrake from om-welcome failed for me.
  • Installing LXQT, Gnome and MauiShell from om-welcome failed as well.
  • Installing icons from om-welcome also failed but worked fine in System Settings.
  • Plasma Firewall failed to install from om-welcome but Kleopatra worked as expected
  • In online accounts google accounts failed (dagnabit, ohwell) :grinning:
  • User Feedback from System Settings crashed the Settings app and opened Discover into a never ending “updating” window. Had to kill it cause aint nobody got time for that. Lol.

I still have it installed on another partition in case you want more logs.
Excited for the update to Rome to be ready!

Hopefully I did all this right. Let me know what I can do to make a better report!

As a side question. Why is the report in a .txt file but written with markdown?


Another side question.
Could those failed installations be the result of the transfer to Rome going on?

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For better testing om-welcome please run
in console and test the modules.

When something does not look to work you can read in console log what’s going on and report the specific issue.
I will write this piece of advice somewhere else too.

Also, checklist template may need update.

Because originally quickly copied from here

Testing checklists may well fit better in QA category
@ben79 wdyt?

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As far as doing it right yes. I do appreciate your thoroughness.

This is a great effort and great idea, the problem is having someone with the time to read and follow through on these reports. We need a volunteer or 10.

Then look in our issuetracker and see if there are existing reports, if there are then add to those reports and assign yourself to the report so you are notified of changes.

If there is not an existing bug report file a new report, all the other advice applies.

Bug reports need terminal output, logs, all other relevant information. If user does not know how to do that we can walk 'em through it. It tends to be better to post all output including the command used, you do not know what info someone else needs to know to help you.

For example the google accounts thing:

kaccounts google integration #3020

Don’t know, don’t care, don’t know who wrote it.

We may want to revise this list as we go.

See, Rocket Science. :rocket:


I like the idea of the QA category since that is more of what it is.

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I didnt even think of running the commands in Konsole. That would make sense.

The other points are duly noted.

Thank you both for the pointers!

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The QA category may need some refresh too :wink:

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I jumped back into that partition and ran om-welcome from Konsole.
Here is the output.
I separated each of the buttons to keep the errors coherent (at least coherent in my brain so I could read it, lol)

Konsol-output-om-welcome-errors.txt (3.0 KB)

Once the transfer is all done I will do another one just to see if any of that stuff was caused by me doing it in the middle of the transfer to Rome.

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Since I cant start a new topic where you moved this post to, I’m going to post this here.

This my submission for a new QA Checklist. It’s basically an updated my-nickname_checklist-extended.txt that was posted earlier.
I made changes to reflect the om-welcome and the new system settings. Plus I split into two parts.
One for Live ISO and the other for post install on hardware.
It’s in both .md and .txt forms. I personally favor the md.

Feel free to add or remove what the consensus decides is relevant.

OMLx-QA-Checklist.txt (8 KB)

Ok, I guess files arent allowed for uploads. Lol.

I’m going to bed. Let me know what you guys think of it.

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That was a leftover from the time we had mailing lists, before moving to Discourse forum.
Now should be fixed.
However afaics it’s ok to add comments to your original topic, it’s just the file updated.

I’m going to check and fix that too. Thanks for all the reports.

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Ops… sorry I missed this part.
Yes this is a more expanded check list. I think it’s better.

The following paths were searched for Qt WebEngine locales:
but could not find the translation file for the current locale: en-US.pak

This may have to do with translations but en-US should be the default language, “.pak” I don’t know what it stands for.
Not sure what the message means or if just a warning that can be ignored. I will investigate.


kf.notifications: Playing audio notification failed: Destroyed
The value for environment variable XDG_RUNTIME_DIR contains suspicious content

Never seen that before…

Maybe testing in the middle of a major update made this happen.
I will setup a new virtual machine and test the same myself as soon as possible.

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If the update is done I can look at it again and see if its still dong it.

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