Main containers:
- cooker plasma6 x86_64
- cooker plasma6 znver1
- cooker plasma6 slim x86_64
- cooker plasma6 slim znver1
- cooker plasma6 wayland x86_64 (default to wayland desktop)
- cooker plasma6 wayland znver1 (default to wayland desktop)
- cooker plasma6.x11 x86_64 EE
Extended Edition, proton-experimental
is included in default packages list.
Testing is very welcome
- cooker plasma5 x86_64
- cooker plasma5 znver1
Community alternative desktop
Mainly supported by their maintainers. Any help is welcome. Bug fixing is not high priority
Main containers:
- cooker gnome desktop x86_64
Other community alternative deskop(s):
Currently no dedicated maintainers. Any help is welcome. Bug fixing is low priority
Please note:
Spins are listed here mainly to make the users know that does exist a project draft, or proof of concept. Other than to show the current status to anyone who is willing to participate in their development.
Do not expect everything to work “out of the box”.
If anyone decides to use OM spins (or Plasma desktop from Cooker platform) you should be able to fix things and find workarounds for yourself.
Bug reports against the spins are accepted but any resolution will be low priority due to the lack of dedicated maintainers. Please consider to join the teams and/or to provide your own patches or Pull Requests.
- Main container: cooker lxqt desktop x86_64
- Main container: cooker lxqt desktop znver1
- Main container: cooker cosmic x86_64
- Main container: cooker xfce4 desktop x86_64
- Main container: cooker budgie desktop x86_64
(Cutefish desktop is no longer active or supported upstream)
More, with special regard to Cooker platform:
Cooker is a development platform. Things in Cooker may be untried and untested. The only guarantee in Cooker is that sometimes things will break.
OpenMandriva Linux is a Community distribution. That means everyone involved is an unpaid, part-time, volunteer.