Most prefered Browser

  • Brave
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Chrome
  • Chromium
  • Vivaldi
  • Edge
  • Midori
  • Falkon
  • Pale Moon
  • Slimjet
  • Waterfox
  • Tor Browser
  • Links
  • Sea Monkey
0 voters

@dirtydog Nice :wink: :+1:

I’m selecting Brave, but only because Zen and Floorp are not on your list.

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Lol, so far, I’m the only one choosing firefox. I only chose it because I didn’t see the real winner: librewolf! lol.

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I’m the 2nd using Firefox! LOL

You and me brother! Lol. Well, now @rugyada too! lol. l33t :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


What @LeeTalbert said. Floorp and Zen are amazing, but since they aren’t on the list, I guess I’ll go with Brave.

Yeah where’s Floorp brother, I had to choose Vivaldi because of that (Floorp was inspired by Vivaldi) :slight_smile:

Just because I’m lazy and I’m familiar with import bookmarks, configs, etc. from one system to a fresh install one :upside_down_face:

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I voted Firefox, I use Firefox Nightly for web dev, I’ll likely shift to Ladybird when it becomes more fully fledged.

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Where’s the love for Zen??

Here’s another write in vote for Librewolf although I officially voted for Firefox. Firefox was my favorite browser for years until it went crazy, bought and ad company and put telemetry into what used to be a great experience. I have high hopes for Ladybird.

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