Looking for Guidance on Enhancing OpenMandriva for Multimedia and Development Tasks

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I have been experimenting with OpenMandriva’s features for the past several weeks, as I am relatively new to it. I’m incredibly impressed with both its efficiency and the active community that supports it thus far. On the other hand, I’d really appreciate some guidance on how to best optimise my system for the two main use cases that I have in mind: development of software and multimedia work.

  • Environment for Development: For a variety of tasks, I mostly use Python, JavaScript, and occasionally C++. Although I have the required IDEs and compilers installed, I’m searching for advice on how to make my workflow even more efficient. Do you suggest any particular tools or packages from the OpenMandriva repositories? :thinking: I would also be grateful for any guidance on setting up the system to run programs at the best possible speed as they are being coded, compiled, and executed.

  • Multimedia Tasks: I also edit music and video on my system. I’ve installed some of the standard suspects, such as Kdenlive and Audacity, but I’m wondering whether the OpenMandriva ecosystem has any hidden jewels that could improve my multimedia creation capabilities. In addition, are there any configuration changes or adjustments in OpenMandriva which I should know about to guarantee seamless rendering and playback, particularly for projects with higher resolutions? :thinking:

Finally, I’d love to hear any general advice someone might have for preserving system performance and stability in a dual-use situation like mine.

Thank you :pray: in advance for your help and support.

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