So, a recent question to @darth about listing his Odysee link to his channel got me thinking about so many things being “YT” first, instead of platforms that enable us to freely watch–or watch in more ways that we choose to watch. Everyone has different opinions on that, but I thought I would list the creators I follow who do Linux Related content on Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute, and Peertube. I’m focusing on videos here, and some creators have dropped out of these platforms since Google decided to cut off the syncing.
Anyway! Here’s a list:
Of the list supplied, I would be very skeptical of The Linux Experiment and Rob Braxman. The same could be said of any number of content creators. I guess I will throw in some more:
I agree about the Linux experiment. I hesitated putting him on the list. He tends to be woke/ leftist.
And that is a great list! I don’t know how I skipped Naomi! She is great. I don’t think that mental outlaw, brodie, or didtrotube are still putting videos onto odysee since Google killed syncing. Some of Brodie’s videos turn up on the conglomeration channel on peertube I mentioned, though.
Thanks @zeroability !
I think I recall Lunduke doing a video on the woke developer scene and he showed a clip of a female developer talking about how she’d punch anyone of her co-workers who followed “that guy from Switched to Linux”. I immediately looked him up and subbed to his channels. Great content.
Haha, yep. I like him. I don’t always agree with everything, but he’s a good guy. And he’s a Christian. But he likes Mint… sooooo… just kidding. Mint is great.
Speaking of Tom/Switched To Linux, he has another channel revolving around writing, book publishing, and audiobook creation. It’s really good for a niche group. The libreoffice work he does on that channel is amazing:
Writing Done Right: Odysee or Rumble
I want to thank the woke devs/content creators for making it so easy to find non-woke devs/content creators. I couldn’t do it without the aid of their unchecked impetuousness.
Thanks a lot for the links. I wanted to tell you that DistroTube and Brodie are finished with Odysee, but naturally I went to check first, and what do you know DT is back! This is cool.
So how do you all feel about Rumble platform? I have not made any commitment there, as I am only testing waters.
Rumble doesn’t really offer permanence. So, if they decide they don’t like your video they can remove it just like YT. Odysee is not perfect, but exists on the LBRY system.
The thing is, YT gives me the most engagement from viewers when I make casual content. When I make more technical content then Odysee replies go up on my videos. I don’t know why, but I feel like my Odysee audience is not casual and they tend to respond when I have a topic that makes the brain work harder. On my PeerTube instance I get no replies almost never, unless I post something anti-corporate. Then the Fediverse likes my video and I get some engagement, but other than that it’s just idling (I mean the server) there… On Rumble I started uploading past content with the goal of “catching-up” with the present, eventually, but so far it’s just crickets over there. Tumbleweed.
Speaking just for myself, I got burned out pretty quick with video site content in general. But I don’t even have cable TV, and I don’t watch over the air digital HD either. Most of the people that are consuming content on YT now, are doing so because they are addicted to using it and other social media. Mostly because it’s an echo chamber. Most media sites are becoming that by necessity. Humanity needs to figure out how to heal and stop feeding the machines that keep us hating each other.
A lot of small video creators start by being themselves and that’s actually refreshing to watch. But some (will not point fingers) turn into a corporate-like production once they start smelling that wonderful cash. I started doing this because I want to get as deep into Linux as it can possibly be fun for me, and share my crap with the world along the way. Who enjoys watching - great! Who does not, no hard feelings, lol. I have my day job which feeds my family - that thing always comes before my videos. However, as I got more practice in talking in a foreign language to a camera and other stuff that used to slow me down in the begining - I now feel like I actually want to help people. Especially those that want help. And that’s why I started live-streaming learning Linux. I think this helps bot them and me at the same time. More knowledge is always good. My biggest reward for streaming was when someone wrote in chat “nobody does this”. I don’t care how accurate that statement was, I just loved to see it
There is a legit reason why I am a “Linux Renaissance”. I used to be a big Linux users even before kernel modules were a thing. The whole thing got watered down when I started having an actual job that, naturally, required Windows. In the past few years I started getting a lot deeper into Linux then I used to casually do it over the years and it has now been a solid while since I last used Windows.
How did I miss this! I’m so glad you pointed that out.
I agree with @zeroability, I’m not a huge fan of Rumble, but it does tend to perform better than Odysee. While, I think Rumble are more corporate, and are more laissez faire than google, I think creators being on multiple platforms is a good thing! Thank you for testing out Rumble. I will follow you there, as well.
In other words, let us hate the machines and feed each other! You’re right, of course. So long as the information we are receiving gives us the right direction to make good decisions. That’s what matters to me. Just the facts.