Linux kernel 5.3.7 for Rock/4.0 and Rolling

Edit 2019-11-01 23:00 UTC: These have been moved to Rolling main/release and Rock main/updates repos. They should now upgrade as part of normal upgrade.

Installation guide:

Rock x86_64:

$ sudo dnf install --enablerepo rock-testing-x86_64 cpupower x86_energy_perf_policy kernel-release-desktop

Rolling x86_64:

$ sudo dnf install --enablerepo rolling-testing-x86_64 cpupower x86_energy_perf_policy kernel-release-desktop

If you need kernel devel package the add these to command string:

kernel-release-desktop-devel kernel-release-headers

Example of installation in progress in Rock x86_64 system:

Then rebooted in to same Rock system with working kernel 5.3.7:

These have been moved to Rolling main/release and Rock main/updates repos. They should now upgrade as part of normal upgrade.

Worth noting for Rock user that from kernel 5.1.21 to 5.3.7 there have been a ton of security fixes in addition to the mentioned hardware recognition fix mentioned above. This is not insignificant.