Landed from Debian 12

Hello from Italy. Disgusted by the latest news (especially the reason for the post) written by Debian on X(Twitter), I searched for “distro not woke”… surprisingly, against my expectation, I found Lunduke’s video on OM!.. now here I am. I escaped less than a year ago from the lousy Win 11 spyware, so I’m not a Linux expert. I was just getting started with .deb packages and all, but I’m ready for the new challenge with OpenMandriva. I hope to find all the software I use on a daily basis. Good luck to everyone.


Welcome OttavianoAugusto :slight_smile:

don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need, community here is awesome :slight_smile:

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Haha, same here :joy: I was so disappointed by Debian, Opensuse and the whole Linux community, I even considered to go back to Windows. But then I saw a lot of Openmandriva recommendations in the comment section of the problematic Debian post on X.

I’m wondering is there a first steps guide what to do after installation. Do I have to install Multimedia Codecs and add community driven repositories?


Welcome to OpenMandriva! It’s so nice to find a distro run by normal people.


Yep, I was a multi-decade user of openSUSE until very recently. I’m glad we both found OMLx! No nonsense here.

As far as a first step with OMLx goes, I highly recommend you to utilize the Welcome app after installation. It’s very useful and not a waste of your time. Use dnf to manage software, not the Discover app. The Welcome app should be used to enable additional repositories, if you need them.


A big welcome to both of you. We are glad to see you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

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Same Here… Been switching a bunch of vms over to openmandriva rock. Some issues i have run into:

  1. KUser does not launch from gui, launches from terminal just fine.
  2. “non-stardard” uid and gud numbers (mine was uid=1001 and gid=1007) instead of both 1000. i had hard coded uid and gid in a few scripts of mine. I know its not a good practice.
  3. lsdvd was in unsupported repo
  4. Where is KDiskFree? Could not find it natively. I had to install the flatpak version. I like native over flatpak.
  5. No native syncthing package.
  6. (flatpak update:27310): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL errors with flatpak.

This is not specifically openmandriva issue, still annoying. I disable KDE wallet subsystem. It takes forever for chrome based browsers to open. I have to add --password-store=basic as launch argument.


Welcome! We’re glad to see you and if you have any issues, please start a topic in Support.


Thank you all for the warm welcome! It is nice to find real human beings here. I am now going to donate for the first time to OM. I just stopped recursive donation to Deb. I encourage supporting the brave, even with a little help. Many small $,£,€ make a difference if many people donate. Stay safe, stay normal :wink:



You see a big blue-ish banner at the top of any page. Scroll down and read everything.
As for the codecs look at om-welcome, Applications, Multimedia tab.

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@Ivanity Our Welcome App is the best place to start for any newcomer. The repositories install from there and it takes all the guesswork out of it. You can add the codecs from there without making mistakes. :smiley:


Welcome! Glad you decided to join us.


The great migration is going well, we are legion from Debian, OpenSuse now Arch.
Welcome pal.