KVM / virt-manager

uh, you’ve already done … :slight_smile:
Thanks for report

File “/usr/share/virt-manager/virtManager/xmleditor.py”, line 11, in
gi.require_version(“GtkSource”, “4”)

This means it can’t open New VM window because one of the following packages (I guess the last) is missing in your system:


It look for version 4 while you installed version 5. On omlx4.3 I have


Uh, not sure but if it it does not have the correct gtksourceview then shouldn’t that be installed as a dependency? Or there should be an error and virt-manager would not install?

Opinion: Bleeping G and GTK, to many versions, this gets stupid at some point. If you are going to upgrade something then upgrade it.

Yes, it should. Or at least one of its requires should. But mine is an hypothesis because upstreamers only say gtksourceview >= 3.

In fact dependency from python modules not always are automatically detected so they should be added by hand.

I agree, but sometimes it depend on when upstreamers upgrade ther software.

Checked dnf.log and when I installed virt-manager dnf installed:


from fedora .spec file

# We can work with gtksourceview 3 or gtksourceview4, pick the latest one
Requires: gtksourceview4

So it can’t work with version 5

OK unstalled gtksourceview version umpteengazillion. Got further along. But couldn’t install storage because of missing qemu.img. Again, if it is a dependency…

In that case is a bit different: for example if you want to use virt-manger with LXC you don’t need qemu stuff at all. So maybe qemu-img could be required by qemu-kvm.

So thanks for the help.

If a user learns all the secret hand shakes the software seems to work. Would like to figure out how to get the VM to display like I want it instead of 4:3 or whatever it is doing. Looks like it needs to have “Auto VM with window” enabled somewhere but I do not see where?

This helps but you also need to set resolution in guest. Usually QXL as virtual video device.

EDIT: there is not such option but the one in your screenshot should be checked, then the resolution of guest is used.

What and where is that? Do not know what QXL is. So far changing in systemsettings changes nothing.

Edit: Looks like I wrote to soon.

Or I too slow … :slight_smile:

Try a reboot …

I also have no sound. I change settings here:

and reboot guest but nothing changes. This software is mean to me. Same for display. Everything seems hard set or something.

You may try to install qemu-guest-agent in the guest OS. Also I have lib64dri-drivers-virtio installed.

I’ve never tried audio on guest but theoretically ICH9 should work better for linux like guests.

To review the software seems to work OK if the user knows which packages to install. I have always thought that various versions of Qemu were for expert/developer level folks.

If I remember correctly, at present this would be the install list:


Maybe this will work:

sudo dnf in virt-manager qemu qemu-img qemu-kmv lib64gtksourceview-gir4

Then either reboot or run:

$ sudo systemctl start libvirtd

And one more thing, add user to libvirt group so you do not have to enter root password every time you open the software"

$ sudo usermod -aG libvirt username

And after you install a virtual machine you probably need to install qemu-guest-agent. If there is other software to install in a guest I did not get that far.

I was not much of an expert today… But I learned a little bit.

Edit: I’ll stick to complaining about VirtualBox for now but Qemu does have some promise if ever there were a good Qt frontend for it.

Edit-2: Forgot something. Updated to add either reboot or run systemctl start libvirtd.

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Thanks a lot Ben Bullard! That was the solution, If I could I would write a wiki article about it!
I like kvm cause its vanilla linux and gives me all I need!. There is also a certain itch to avoid Oracle Software :slight_smile: Rather XEN

Edit: There is a typo in your command:

sudo dnf in virt-manager qemu qemu-img qemu-kmv lib64gtksourceview-gir4

what should be:

sudo dnf in virt-manager qemu qemu-img qemu-kvm lib64gtksourceview-gir4

and if the user gets added to the libvirt group, it spares you typing the root password:

sudo usermod -aG libvirt username

Credit where credit is due. Everything in my post I got from @uxman and @mandian. I just copied and pasted stuff from people that knew more than I did.

Adding the bit about adding user to libvirt group as suggested by @uxman in order to not have to enter root password every time you open the software.

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Adding osinfo-db adds an OS database with (I guess) optimzed settings for guests… So the install should be:
sudo dnf in virt-manager qemu qemu-img qemu-kmv lib64gtksourceview-gir4 osinfo-db

On Download you can find guest-addons (at least for Windows afaik) what will provide better performance etc…


That’s right but OpenMandriva is not included into osinfo-db, maybe our devs could fix this.

In order to get a better experience you have to install some stuff into the guest box:

  • virtIO driver
    Under QEMU/KVM you may reach better performances if you use virtIO devices and dirver set. If you are running win you may use the binaries provided here by Fedora (more info here).
    If your box is running a Linux distribution the virtIO drivers are selected automatically.
  • qemu guest agent
    This provides a better communication between host and guest.
    If you are running win you may find it in the virtIO driver iso you downloaded at first step.
    If your box is OpenMandriva just run sudo dnf install qemu-guest-agent (other distros may use different name o package manager).
  • SPICE agent
    This provides a better SPICE support (eg. a fast GUI experience, copy and paste from guest to host and from hoto to guest, etc …).
    For win is the tool you linked before.
    If your box is OpenMandriva just run sudo dnf install spice-vdagent (of course other distros may use different name o package manager).

It is like a bug in KDE plasma. A workaround is disable the kscreen 2 service from preferences:

then modify the resolution as usual.

Sound work here, no matter if HDA (ICH9) (better) or HDA (ICH6) is used (snd_hda_intel kernel module is used as a driver for both).

POSTEDIT: in order to keep higher resolution after rebbot in KDE plasma video model should be set to VGA. In this case Kscreen 2 service could be enable.