I’m trying to install KDE/QT development libraries to build this:
GitHub - taj-ny/kwin-gestures: Custom touchpad gestures for Plasma 6
Where can I get a list of devel packages for KDE/QT
I’m trying to install KDE/QT development libraries to build this:
GitHub - taj-ny/kwin-gestures: Custom touchpad gestures for Plasma 6
Where can I get a list of devel packages for KDE/QT
You can use sudo dnf search
to search the repos using keywords and whatnot
For example sudo dnf search kf6 devel
will give you a list of packages that have kf6 and devel in the name
You can also use dnfdragora or dnfdrake for searching and installing packages if you want GUI
I’ve made a list anyway so use this, if the compiler reports missing try searching using above options
sudo dnf install git cmake extra-cmake-modules gcc qt6-qtbase-tools plasma6-kwin-devel lib64KF6I18n-devel lib64KF6GuiAddons-devel lib64KF6KCMUtils-devel lib64KF6ConfigWidgets-devel kf6-kguiaddons kf6-ki18n lib64wayland-devel lib64yaml-cpp lib64yaml-cpp-devel lib64epoxy-devel gettext
Thanks! I was working with dnf search, but I’m used to the Fedora naming conventions and got a little turned around.