Is OpenMandriva really for newbies?

I installed OpenMandriva Lx4.3 on my Ryzen Slimbook on Monday 7 February because I have been on the lookout for an rpm based distro using Plasma. I really like it. It’s legible and elegant. (Plus the backlight on my keyboard works!) I will have to wait and see whether or not it turns out to be reliable.

BUT, I had to jump through hoops for example to get my HP printer to work with a USB cable by installing hplip, and then to install Zoom and Teams through the flathub.

I am aware of this distro’s philosophy regarding free open source software, flatpaks, snaps and appimages, however, I work with my computer and since the pandemic, video calls are probably here to stay. Although there are alternatives to Zoom and Teams such as Jitsi, most companies’ IT departments have ordained a specific tool - usually Zoom or Teams.

I humbly suggest that for OpenMandriva to be for newbies who work (rather than play) with their computer, it needs to be as easy to switch to, as it is to switch to Linux Mint.

I wish OpenMandriva well and very much hope to see it gain in popularity!

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Hi @quadrantids
thank you for your feedback and suggestions.

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