Steam must be installed from OMWelcome. When clicking on the link it will open the OpenMandriva Software Repository Picker. Make sure that the boxes for Extra, Restricted and Non-Free are checked. Install Steam.
Open Steam and navigate to your library and install Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2. The page doesn’t state that this game is compatible with Linux but it is, so just install it.
Once installed go back to your library in Steam and right click on Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 and click on properties. Then click on Compatibility and check the box " Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool". Below that select “Proton 5.0-10”
Start game to confirm it works. When it boots up don’t go changing anything and just exit the game.
Open Discover from the application menu and in the search box type “OpenJKDF2”. This is a flatpack with tons of quality of life upgrades that makes the game playable. This will automatically install it for you. Once it is installed launch it. A window will pop up asking you to point it at Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 in your steam folder. It should look like home/User/.Steam/Steam/SteamApps/common/Star Wars Jedi Knight. Hit ok and the game should boot right up.
So why am I writing this all out? To save some guy hours of research or trying to figure out how to do this like I did, or frustration like the guy who had the thread today about not being able to install old games. I almost followed that road of installing 32 bit binaries and such but decided that as a noob I shouldnt probably be touching that stuff without someone holding my hand.
It took me an afternoon to figure it out and really most of the info out there was suspect at best. I didn’t end up following any guide, just pieces from here and there so I decided to do a how to for us noobs. I hope I got it all right, I did recreate it from memory.