Image Scan V3 (Epson L380)


  • OpenMandriva Lx version: 4.1

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…): KDE

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant): Hi everyone, I’m new to the forum and new to OMA 4.1.
    I have an Epson L380 multifunctional printer and was able to install the linux driver in OMA without any problem.
    But my question is about the Scanner, it is not detected. Epson offers the Image Scan v3 package for different distributions, but there is no .rpm package for OMA. I’ll clarify that I’m a user that does simple tasks and I don’t know how to compile from source code.
    Is there a package in the repositories that provides that RPM package?

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…): Epson L380


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Welcome @AguerreroG. We hope you enjoy OpenMandriva Lx.

We are a small group, all volunteer, part-time, and unpaid. So we all do what we can when we can.

How are you determining that scanner is not recognized? By running some application like skanlite? Or by something on command line? Anyway that may be helpful to know to resolve this issue
I’m not sure of correct answer so my suggestions are me guessing. The package task-printing-scanning should be installed by default. I’m not sure but perhaps task-printing-scanning also needs task-printing-epson installed. That would be first thing to try.

There is also a package task-scanning which is not installed by default and that may be worth trying. I have no clue why we have both task-printing-scanning and task-scanning. I will be asking devs about this and your issue in general on IRC.

IRC user channel is #openmandriva @ Freenode. It may take some time before someone sees and answers on IRC but eventually we will. (That is the “We are a small group, all volunteer, part-time” aspect at work.)

For more information about OM Lx 4.1

For more information about all OM Lx there is our wiki:

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