If you fressh Install OM and have something Like nvidia 810 840M or other stone age nvidia gpu. Read this

Your GUI get carazy? hangs, blinks, freezes, drops in to usless cosole,
drops dead come back alive, and drops ded again over and over.

Do this

At Grub2 Menu go to Advanced Options>Console Mode that should boot to a login prompt
login with your user name

login to the system
Only bold text repo is mandatory

sudo dnf config-manager --enable rock-x86_64-non-free rock-updates-x86_64-non-free
sudo dnf config-manager --enable rock-x86_64-restricted rock-updates-x86_64-restricted

sudo dnf check-update
sudo dnf upgrade 
sudo dnf search nvidia

There should be metapackage like nvidia.x86_64

now just Install it,

sudo dnf install nvidia.x86_64

That should install package and its dependencies (proper kmod and such)

After it finishes you are done just restart your system.
All should be fine

Full list of repositories with a way to enable them by dnf can be found here

Ps if administration found this post spammy or worthless just delete it
Ps2 My thx goes to @ben79 @richp
Good day to you @all


In your App Launcher, under System, you should see Software Repository Selector and it makes it so easy to add the Repo from the Desktop, if you can get there.

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Software Repository Selector was a “root of all evil there” My system goes nuts but if i open Software Repository Selector it goes nuts instantly.
This type of craziness is basically my prime reason for not to use any kind gui tools for system administration ever.

But im happy that this situation occures, because it forced me to look on other things dnf have to offer beside - dnf check update and install. (Im a dpkg and apt guy).
On most occasions I edited my config files manually.

All rpm distros are different in that matter.

To make more sense of it.
Im a Slackware guy who used Debian for years, because debian to some degree or extend allows to use slackware tricks to maintain the system.

RPM distros have some tools cli/gui that do the things I’ve done manually, automatically or semiautomatic.

PS. we have systemd in linux since forever.
Yet it is still easier for me to use sysv or runit then freaking systemd.
Do I use it? Yes… Do I hate it? No. Do I hate to use it? Fuck yes! With passion.

Take care @WilsonPhillips

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Like you, I prefer the command line, but I try to post the GUI way, because a LOT of newbies fear the terminal.


I have no fear for the terminal, gui is what terrifies me :wink: :smiley:

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