Id like to have touchscreen and drawing tablet compatibility


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  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):

Hello all. I’m yet to install mandriva but I heard about you guys from Lunduke and I absolutely love what you’re about. I’m currently running pop os and I really like how it’s got a balance of customization and stability. Or at least it had stability, it seems like my system on one computer is not operating like I want it to. Needless to say I’m thinking hard about switching and open mandriva is currently looking like my main choice.

The only problem I see is I need touchscreen on at least one of my computers and id like to be able to use my drawing tablet on both. I haven’t seen anything about touch compatibility but I was hoping there were a few options (perhaps running gnome would do it? ) to use those features with open mandriva.

Any suggestions would be great. Id also like to know how to properly transfer apps and stuff from pop to mandriva if there’s any reliable methods.

Thanks all.

My advice would be to download the Plasma 6 x11 ISO for ROME and test your equipment with it. As far as data migration, I would copy from a backup medium instead of mounting a volume from another distro if it can be helped. Depending on the distro, if you mount the volume you may need to fix permissions. dotfiles should work but some may not. You can search from sources like pkgs [dot] org for the list of applications we have in the repos, or do a dnf search for your favorites from the live environment.

I expect the touchscreen will just work, however the drawing tablet may have issues.

I have a Monoprice tablet (Huion rebrand) and it will plug & play with basic function (can draw, pressure sensitivity works, pen & tablet buttons register) but I cannot modify it in any way. Can’t rebind buttons or flip for left handed use. KDE tablet module and Opentabletdriver fail to see it.

If you have a Wacom, install the KDE tablet module and it will probably just work, If Huion(or other maybe?), there are DIGImend tablet drivers, but I was unable to successfully install them due to a compiler error (GCC vs clang evidently) and I’m too ignorant to know if that’s resolvable or not.

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I am using a Lenovo X1 Carbon with a touchscreen. Basic taps seem to work on the screen, but there is no pinch-and-zoom feature. Would this be more of a KDE issue, or is there a package that can add additional touchscreen support?

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That’s a good question. Maybe one of the devs can answer it. I would suggest you also ask this one on the KDE forums.

What do you mean for a backup medium?

So you have any knowledge on how to get app lists together?

How easy is it too switch to gnome from plasma? So far I really like how pop os does it’s launchers and stuff

I mean, backup your home drive to another type of external storage instead of just mounting the previous distro’s partition. It can lead to permission problems.

Do you mean from your previous system? Since Pop is based on Ubuntu, you can use aptitude to list the apps you have installed and compare it to what we have in the repo. While we don’t recommend it, we do also have flatpak to overcome some differences in package availability.

The look and feel will be a bit different, to say the least. If you need an activity style menu you can right click on the plasma menu icon and choose Show Alternatives. Everything else will probably require how-to videos if you want a closer experience to what you left. We do also package GNOME, and cosmic is obviously alpha on any distro, including Pop. One thing you will gain will be customization. Lots of customization. You can set and install themes in Plasma.

@seethroughstains Please creat an new post about about your issues building the drivers and waht you tried in Support. I and others will gladly see if we can help you work out the issues.