How to install VMware Tools at OpenMandriva Rock?


  • OpenMandriva Lx version:
    OpenMandriva Rock 5.0

  • Desktop environment (KDE, LXQT…):

  • Description of the issue (screenshots if relevant):

  • Relevant informations (hardware involved, software version, logs or output…):
    I am using VMware Workstation 17 Pro. The mouse on OpenMandriva Rock doesn’t work. I have to install VMware Tools for Linux. I download linux.iso image from VMware and attached this image to OpenMandriva VM. I start OpenMandriva console and get grub>
    What should I do next?

Could you please tell me how you were able to get the two vmon and vmnet to compile and get added to kernel?

This is only thing keeping me from using Workstation 17 on Rock 5 as well. I was kind of just going to wait until the next Rock released rolled out. (pun intended)

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I didn’t compile anything. I installed OpenMandriva on VMware as Fedora Linux.

Ahh you mean you are testing OM in a VMware based VM and you are having issues with the mouse in the VM. Gotcha.

How to open a terminal from GUI?

If you are using Plasma, then Konsole is the terminal.

Ctr+Alt+T works. You can close the ticket.