How to install gnome desktop on LX 4.0? i did want to test it.
I guess dnf install task-gnome
may works.
But did you tested it? Its look like gnome did not works tryed x.cofig\xorg somelike but its go back to login.
Only that works is gnome remmina kiosk … but that is very poor GUI layout like mate issue i have before.
No I haven’t had the time until now . I hoe I’ll do in next days.
GNOME is broken. Most packages from GNOME recently I updated from 3.18 to 3.28, then to 3.30 and now to 3.32. However, GNOME still does not work correctly. The applications work, but the deskop environment itself does not start.
Starting gnome x or wayland from sddm causes the black screen to appear for a few seconds and then the system returns to SDDM again.
Staring gdm causes the cursor to appear for a few moments and then black screen appear.
Journalctl show only this “unrecoverable failure in required component gnome”.
I have no ideas how to fix it. GDB did not tell me anything.
I got this when i try to use gdm. It is like some dependencies are missing.
gnome-shell[4537]: JS ERROR: Error: Requiring Clutter, version 4: Typelib file for namespace 'Json', version '1.0' not found
gnome-shell[4537]: Execution of main.js threw exception: Script <main> threw an exception
There are some missing requires somewhere. Try to install the follofwing packages:
sudo dnf install pipewire libjson-glib-gir1.0 libgl-gir1.0 libpangocairo-gir1.0 libpolkitagent-gir1.0 libxfixes-gir4.0 lib64gsettings-desktop-schemas-gir3.0 lib64gnome desktop-gir3.0 lib64accountsservices-gir3.0 lib64soup-gir2.4 lib64ibus-gir1.0 lib64gdm-gir1.0 lib64gweather-gir3.0 geoclue-gir lib64atspi-gir2.0 lib64dbus-gir1.0 lib64nma-gir1.0 lib64gnome-bluetooth-gir1.0 lib64upower-glib-gir1.0
After that GNOME deskop open for a few seconds then crashes on my vbox.
I have them installed. There is something wrong with typelibs generator. Many gir packages should be installed as requires, but they are not. So all missing typelibs must be added manually to spec as requires. This typelib generator worked in Lx3, but not in Cooker.
Also I see a problem with typelib atspi, which despite installation is still called by the gnome-shell as missing. Maybe it is the current blocker, dont know…
I thought it was because the package is built without an introspection enabled but I do not know for sure.
Another thing is still not working GDM. As I wrote above, calling the GDM start will cause the cursor to appear for a few seconds and then a black screen. Unfortunately, from the logs I can not read what is wrong.
That’s why I think repair GNOME will not be as simple as it may seem for me. So if someone has any ideas how to fix this is asked to be involved
sudo dnf install pipewire libjson-glib-gir1.0 libgl-gir1.0 libpangocairo-gir1.0 libpolkitagent-gir1.0 libxfixes-gir4.0 lib64gsettings-desktop-schemas-gir3.0 lib64gnome desktop-gir3.0 lib64accountsservices-gir3.0 lib64soup-gir2.4 lib64ibus-gir1.0 lib64gdm-gir1.0 lib64gweather-gir3.0 geoclue-gir lib64atspi-gir2.0 lib64dbus-gir1.0 lib64nma-gir1.0 lib64gnome-bluetooth-gir1.0 lib64upower-glib-gir1.0
No match for argument: libjson-glib-gir1.0
No match for argument: libgl-gir1.0
No match for argument: libpangocairo-gir1.0
No match for argument: libpolkitagent-gir1.0
No match for argument: libxfixes-gir4.0
Package lib64gsettings-desktop-schemas-gir3.0-3.32.0-1.x86_64 is already installed.
No match for argument: lib64gnome
No match for argument: desktop-gir3.0
No match for argument: lib64accountsservices-gir3.0
Package lib64soup-gir2.4-2.66.1-1.x86_64 is already installed.
Error: Unable to find a match: libjson-glib-gir1.0 libgl-gir1.0 libpangocairo-gir1.0 libpolkitagent-gir1.0 libxfixes-gir4.0 lib64gnome desktop-gir3.0 lib64accountsservices-gir3.0
You need to enable unsupported repository.
How to do it with OpenMandrivaLx.4.0-plasma.znver1.iso
For now you can’t. Gnome is broken. I’m working on it and I’m finally making progress.
Fixes will appear soon (at least as time and health allow me).
For now, I have a pre-working version at home. Fixes are not yet available in the repository. I am slowly preparing them.
Once the gnome has been repaired, it should appear in Cooker first and then in Rolling (if I don’t make it before official Rolling releases, I will do backport).
It won’t be available in the stable Lx 4.0 release - or at least I don’t plan on it at the moment. As it appears, it will be only in Lx 4.1. So cooker, rolling and lx4.1.
Proof that the work is progressing: