Hi did someone know how its play blueray from videolan? because i tested how to play blueray
But find out that is outdated, so how can i do its more easy?
I found it works to go to steam folder DVD_VIDEO_RECORDER/BDAV/STREAM/
its a way to open files, if it not encrypted. But its did look videolan did not add this folder automatically.
So its way to get this works with menu?
@AngryPenguin and some others here would know this far better than me. My understanding is playing BluRays in Linux is tricky. As far as I know on OM Lx 4.0 x86_64 install these:
and VLC will play some bluray disks. But I’ve not done this myself.
Note: libbluray-java appears to depend on java-1.8.0-openjdk. That is rather out or date. This package may need to be updated for java dependency? Will this work with java-12?
Even if you install those keep in mind that I don’t even own a bluray and don’t know if this works at all but my guess is it will only work for some blurays at best.
But did you know if videolan\ and other movie codec need nvidia\amd or intel drivers to works? Because some new blueray disk use DRM or HDCP 2.2 or later?
But may think videolan forum may be better to get help with codec.
In windows 10 use powerDVD or Windvd that is more easy, but that is to old for linux.