I just noticed that I have a higher CPU usage on when I log out and the PC is on the login screen than when I am logged in and doing nothing (see the spike in the screenshot). This results in about 15-20W more energy consumption (~80W instead of ~60W). Has anybody else noticed that?
Ok. I asked because I am using the Ryzen-optimized version of ROME and my fan is constantly running at high speed even when my laptop is idling. Hopefully someone else can read this thread and offer some help for you.
I’m sitting here wondering how to test it and all I can figure is from the SDDM screen, switch to another tty and login to run htop to see what is running.
Pretty sure I read about that being a KDE issue.
Can’t say for certain, and unfortunately I can’t post the link to the bug report.
But it’s definitely not unique to OMLx.
Yes that’s default setting in Discourse for security and antispam reason for just registered users, as one can well understand, unless admins (considering trusted) manually elevate the user level before it’s automatically changed.
I suppose it’s not different -more or less- with other forum platforms.
As WP said earlier, it is safe to assume that if you are on Plasma then you are using SDDM as your display manager. As asanDD said, this is a known issue with SDDM. There are some config changes that might fix it for you, but save a backup of configs before changing anything.
I haven’t had this issue anymore since then. My power consumption is a lot better overall. I am now sitting on ~15-20W when idle on desktop or on the login screen. I don’t know what fixed it. Probably the distro upgrade. Can’t think of anything else.