Heroic game launcher

Hi devs :slight_smile:

please can you add Heroic game launcher to repositories please

Thx in advance :slight_smile:

Long life to OM :slight_smile: :star_struck:

Ooo, interesting. I use it in flatpak, but this would be pretty cool. How many people use HGL?

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I use it. Have it installed as a flatpak, seems to be working fine along with Protonup-QT.

Yes I’ve seen HGQ in discover, available with the flatpak installer, but I don’t really like flatpak (although it’s not as bad as snap). I’ve installed it on other distributions and, in my experience, after a while it doesn’t work. Always framework problems or something. Maybe OM doesn’t have this problem.

I’ve tried using the rpm available on the HGS site but, during installation, it always gives me errors, pointing out additional packages that are needed but not found in the repository. I could also use appimage, but I prefer the good old rpm in the repository. This is my opinion :slight_smile:

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If you have a github account, you can put in a package request under Issues.


Thx @WilsonPhillips, i never used Github.

I can drop the rpm of HGL website inside this github and specify what errors are listed ? that’s it ?

No. It’s not that simple. There is a form that is filled out and it is the tarball they want. If you don’t have an account, I will go do it for you. The team is small, so don’t expect this to be quick. :grinning:

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Package Request is done.

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Thx a lot @WilsonPhillips :+1:

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I go back and forth between HGL and Lutris.

Just for science, here is the issue when i tried to install rpm from HGL website

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The recipe should be easy to get. Time will be harder to find. :wink: